Winston Churchill is a universally recognized name. Even if you don't know his entire back story, it is most likely you've studied him and his role in British politics in a history class somewhere along the line. Today, we thought it would be interesting to dig up a couple facts about the great leader that may be lesser known. Here are five things we found that don't necessarily come to mind when you picture Winston Churchill.
1. Churchill’s mother was an American.

Lord Randolph Churchill, the third son of the seventh Duke of Marlborough, married the daughter of a Brooklyn born financier, Jeanette "Jennie" Jerome. Indeed, Lord Randolph married Jennie and less than eight months later, Winston was born. The circumstances surrounding his conception and birth timeline have never been confirmed. According to
William Manchester in his book The Last Lion, Sir Winston Churchill would respond to inquries regarding being born out of wedlock by saying, "Although present on the occasion, I have no clear recollection of the events leading up to it."
2. President Ford gave the most comprehensive Churchill speech ever.
When President
Gerald Ford spoke at the commemoration of Churchill's 109th birthday at the English Speaking Union in 1983, he gave what's become known as The Churchill Lecture. So beloved was this speech that many insisted it be printed and distributed as an authoritative biography. This wish was granted, and if interested, book collectors can now find limited editions of the speech printed and signed by President Ford for sale for a couple hundred dollars.
3. Churchill escaped from prison
While serving a dual role as a war correspondent and military officer in South Africa,
Churchill was taken captive by the Boers. However, he was able to scale a wall and sneak out at night. After hiding in a mineshaft and sneaking aboard a train, he was able to rejoin the fight after a week.
4. Churchill really disliked Gandhi.

Churchill was opposed to Indian autonomy, and he really disliked the nonviolent leader, Gandhi. In fact, Churchill viewed Gandhi as more of a rabble-rouser than anything else. Some of his statements about the peaceful man are anything but charitable. Sources even note that
Churchill was in favor of letting Gandhi die if the leader chose to partake in a hunger strike.
5. Churchill was extremely accident prone.
As a child,
Churchill suffered a concussion and ruptured kidney while playing on a bridge. Later, he nearly drown in a Swiss lake. He also fell from multiple horses, dislocated his shoulder disembarking from a ship in India, crashed a plane while learning to fly, and was hit by a car while crossing 5th Avenue in New York. Despite his clumsy nature, he lived to 90 before he finally passed from a stroke.
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