Janet Evanovich was born on April 22, 1943 in New Jersey. However, she would describe herself as more of a native of LaLa Land who has spent the majority of her life looking for an outlet for her imagination. Her childhood included singing opera on the streets or pretending to be a horse. As a young adult Evanovich expressed her imagination in the form of an Art Degree from Douglass College. But none of these things left Evanovich feeling complete.
So Evanovich began her writing career in her mid-thirties. She wrote story after story and spent the better part of ten years being rejected by every publishing house she sent her stories to. Her rather pornographic "romance" novels finally found a home at LoveLine, rescuing her from the world of temp work and panty hose. After five years of writing romance novels and putting every sexual exploit she could imagine to paper, she was tired of the genre. Evanovich spent the next two years researching the life of law enforcement and criminals to transition to the world of the mystery author. Today she lives and works in Naples, Florida with more then twenty best sellers to her name and is successful enough that she is able to succesfully employ her husband, son, and daughter full time.