The Wheel of Time series by renowned author Robert Jordan is one of the most beloved fantasy series since Lord of the Rings. Jordan, born James Oliver Rigney Jr released the first of his famous series, The Eye of the World, in 1981.
The series spans fourteen books as well as a prequel novel was adapted into a television series in 2022. The last three books in the series were co-written with Brandon Sanderson, known for his Mistborn Trilogy, after Jordan’s illness and death. This series has been a staple for fantasy fans for over forty years.
While writers such as Mark Twain and Oscar Wilde are known for their witticisms and adages, fans of the series know that Jordan’s work too was full of such sayings. While some are meant for humor and some are more serious, each book is a veritable Poor Richard’s Almanac, chock full of small instructive truths. In Knife of Dreams, Jordan’s narration observes “That had the irritating sound of an old saying,” seemingly poking fun at the phrases that are a hallmark of his work.
Join us as we take a look at some of Jordan’s most famous sayings: